From my little punching bag....
To a wonderful father and husband... 

Here is the Lorraine motel where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot. It is now the Civil Rights Museum. It's so weird going home as a tourist...

This duplex (669 Mansfield) is where some of the happiest times of my life happened. My friend Amy and I lived downstairs and our friend Cameron lived upstairs.
The corner of Rozelle and Central in Central Gardens.

Beautiful Fall tree in the same neighborhood. Most of the houses in the neighborhood have trees on fire like this.

Here I go falling behind on my blog! I went to Memphis on the 15th for a visit with friends and family and the whole thing turned out to be a huge disappointment and disaster! The only good thing to come of the trip were the fabulous photos I took and I wanted to share them all with you.
The Arcade is famous landmark on South Main and a wonderful place to eat. I had breakfast here with my Dad on Sunday morning before he turned to The Dark Side.
The Arcade is famous landmark on South Main and a wonderful place to eat. I had breakfast here with my Dad on Sunday morning before he turned to The Dark Side.

Here is the Lorraine motel where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot. It is now the Civil Rights Museum. It's so weird going home as a tourist...

This duplex (669 Mansfield) is where some of the happiest times of my life happened. My friend Amy and I lived downstairs and our friend Cameron lived upstairs.
A home I have always loved in Central Gardens on Belvedere. (The neighborhood where 669 was.)

The corner of Rozelle and Central in Central Gardens.

Beautiful Fall tree in the same neighborhood. Most of the houses in the neighborhood have trees on fire like this.

Here's a shot of some Canadian geese at Shelby Farms. This was a place I would often go to reclaim my sanity!

My friend Beth I've known for 17 years was able to meet me there for a brief visit.
The next day I went to Shelby Forest to take pictures of what's left of the Fall colors. Shelby Forest is about 25 minutes north of Memphis. Here are some of my favorites:

I saw this owl in a tree right above us and took this picture from the car!
This corner store has been here forever. A rooster greeted me at the door.

My friend Beth I've known for 17 years was able to meet me there for a brief visit.