Eric's watching the Cowboys hand the Brown's their asses. Anyway, I'm too lazy to write now, so here is the continuance from the other day...
Chihuahua refusing to smile for the camera. This is under our bed where you can find anything that has been missing. He knows no one can get into "his things" if he hides them here.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!" Samson is actually saying, "OOOoooogggggwwwwwooooowwwrrrr" which translates, "C'mon Dad, let's go to the park, and you should probably take mother out to a fancy returant for dinner..."
I know, I photograph my dogs more than anything in this world. It's because I don't have any children, and if I did, I would beat them and make them clean my house and go to work.
The Chihuahua is barely taller than the grass.
Bailey tries to trick Samson into stepping into the deep end...

I'll have to post more later. I need to get my ass to bed. Early day tomorrow...