I have been stuck starring at "Norton Internet Security is currently performing background tasks" on the bottom right corner of my screen for a week now. Strange things like this happen when my T-24 chihuahua gets too near my laptop.
So for Christmas, Eric was able to donate enough blood and bought me an expresso/cappuccino maker. I made my first expresso tonight and boy did it taste like shit. I've managed to combine all the caffeine in the world into a single ounce and I'm shaking like dog crapping a peach seed. Tonight in bed I'm going to make little brewing sounds while Eric is trying to sleep... heh heh...
Anyway, yesterday at work, I was given the strangest Christmas present I have ever received. I've made friends with an Iranian woman named Ramesh but she goes by Catherine. She is one of the most kind hearted people I have ever known although I can hardly understand her most of the time. More than often I just whip out my Chucky smile and say "uh huh" having no clue what she's telling me. The few conversations I have managed to understand were enjoyable and we've learned a lot about each other's cultures. (Especially the food part!) She brought me a cute little golden bag with a red bow on it and said, "I give to you present Rrrrrrrrreeeeeee." I thanked her and gave her a hug and when I went back to my office I looked inside the bag. The first thing I saw was a cute little kiwi-strawberry candle. I pulled it out, gave it a fine sniff and set it on my desk. Then I reached back into the bag and was abruptly slapped across the face with an enormous Queen Size PLUS pair of black tights. Who buys someone they hardly know a pair of tights 4 sizes too big? I read the back of the label and I need to weigh 230lbs to wear them!! Knowing Catherine, I'm sure she meant nothing of it and probably didn't even know she had bought Queen Size PLUS!! At least that's what I'm telling myself... Eric's son Drew was over here on Friday night to tell us good-bye as he is moving to Florida to work on a farm that grows organic food. When I gave him a hug, I slipped the QUEEN SIZE PLUS tights into his back pack!! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA I can't wait to hear when he finds them... and has to explain them to his buddies.
Before I start posting a bunch of pictures because I've been too lazy to write anything, I must share with you one of my golden moments of stupidity. I'm sure all of you are familiar with Jay Leno's "Jaywalking". Well, one night Eric and I were watching in utter disgust as I have always been able to answer all of the questions perfectly and without any hesitation. During this time I'm also quick to sling insults to the boneheads that manage to get on T.V. Suddenly, Jay holds up a picture of Thomas Jefferson asking someone who it is and with boastful pride, I yelled out, "George Jefferson!" I thought Eric's wee teeny eyes were going to plop out of his gigantic head. It even took me a couple of seconds to realize what had just detonated in my mouth. There was nothing I could do to salvage my dignity.
It was time for me to brush up on my history and so I began reading several wonderful books. Unfortunately, I have realized that everything I was taught in school was basically fantasy and mostly incorrect. So the last few weeks I have held a grudge against the Portuguese conquistadors and several Europeans.
I just returned from a wonderful Christmas with my family in Paragould, Arkansas. I haven't seen my brother in 3 years or ever met his wife Amanda or his daughter Waimea. (WHY-MAY-UH) Her mother is Hawaiian and she is named after Waimea Beach in O'ahu.

Here's my brother, Waimea and me:

I must mention here that I am completely thrilled to have Amanda as my sister-in-law. She's so sick and twisted I couldn't have asked for a better sister!! Her picture is on my Nov. 30th blog. The other pics I took of her on this vacation she had a tit out feeding a bebeh and I imagine she would appreciate it if I didn't post them here! Here are my favorite cypress trees on Grandma's farm about 200 years old or more. I use to sit under these trees when I was a child and eat Lorna Dune cookies!

And finally I zoomed out to show the tremendous size of this migration. You can see how they spiral down.
Since I'm tweeking on expresso, I figure I'll continue with the rest of my photos and videos from a few weeks ago. Eric's company, Central Yamaha, had a redneck get together including everything from guns to beer, cows to ATV's, camo and of course a couple of Yamaha Rhinos.
And finally I zoomed out to show the tremendous size of this migration. You can see how they spiral down.
Since I'm tweeking on expresso, I figure I'll continue with the rest of my photos and videos from a few weeks ago. Eric's company, Central Yamaha, had a redneck get together including everything from guns to beer, cows to ATV's, camo and of course a couple of Yamaha Rhinos.
Eric vs. Cow (please don't ask me about his outfit)
This is what we were doing on the Rhinos. Steve demonstrates his manliness:

This is Jason, Eric's boss:
I love this shot- check out Eric laughing:
I love this shot- check out Eric laughing:

And then Rhiannon said, "Damn it Eric, I swear to God if you flip this thing over I'll-"
Yep, I took this picture after I climbed out and gave him a good sound thrashing...
Hope everyone had a good New Year's and I look forward to some juicy stories... xoxo