Around 2 AM this morning Eric and I were driving home from Doug and Terry's house on the Dallas North Tollway. We were tootle
lootle looing along in the middle lane when suddenly a Ford Explorer went flying past us going in the wrong direction approximately 70-80 miles an hour. When you see something out of the ordinary like that you tend not to comprehend it, however, Eric was lucky to have his drunk wife sitting in the passenger side that screamed, "LOOK OUT!", so he quickly swerved to the side of the road and called 911. As he was on the phone with 911 they informed us that a cop was already in pursuit whom we witnessed speeding down the
correct side of the road. Needless to say, we were Monster Java Mean Bean awake the rest of the way home. We were so, so lucky. I wanted to turn the car around and release 31 years of pent up anger on his idiot ass. Instead, we just went home and hit the sack. There wasn't anything on the news this morning of any crashes. In the last few months there have been several deaths by people driving on the wrong side of the tollway. I can't imagine how this happens since you have to enter the tollway through toll booths. A chipmunk could do it.
So, on a happier note, I leave you this photo from last night without any explanation.

PS. Don't my teeth look nice? heh heh